
World Health Day 2023

April 2023

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World Heath Day inspires us to tackle the health challenges of today and tomorrow, focusing on #HealthForAll. After 75 years, the World Health Organisation has created a true and enduring legacy worldwide, championing health and supporting a better future for all.

That’s why here in the UK, we are committed to actions, not words.

Engaging in 32 active partnerships with the NHS, we want to support patients, communities, and the wider healthcare system to achieve better, more equitable health.

We’re committed to continuing our long history of putting patients first. Here are some examples of how we are making a meaningful impact:


MSD is the largest supplier of vaccines to the UK national immunisation programmes, helping to protect the public across the life course, from infancy to adulthood.

We are committed to partnering with the local and national health system to strengthen the UK’s response across vaccine-preventable diseases.


The MSD Grants Programme is open to healthcare organisations looking to address health inequalities and supporting the elimination of public health threats in the HIV, cancer, and vaccines therapy areas.

Read more about our 2023 MSD Grants Programme here.


We work collaboratively with the NHS across the UK to improve cancer patients’ outcomes.

Through numerous activities, we work together to improve patients’ and the public’s awareness of cancer signs and symptoms, to understand and to improve cancer pathways and to improve treatment uptake.

Learn about our partnerships here.

Our colleagues across the globe embrace the spirit of invention and are united behind our purpose to save and improve the lives of people and animals, whether creating medicines to address the world’s most urgent health challenges, advancing animal health, or developing healthcare solutions that make a real differenc­e to lives across the globe.

We focus our efforts on prevention, treatment and are committed to support food and environmental security to safeguard health. Through inclusive scientific research, enabling access to ground-breaking treatments and effective partnerships with the health system, we can cultivate a more equitable healthcare landscape that is equipped to make a real difference to patients’ lives and ultimately, improve health outcomes.

To make health for all a reality across the world, we need: individuals and communities with access to high quality health services so that they can take care of their own health and that of their families; skilled health workers providing quality, people-centred care; and policymakers committed to investing in universal health coverage.

Action is needed to keep humans and the planet healthy; how can you do your bit to keep the planet healthy and ensure better more equitable health?

GB-NON-07329 | Date of Preparation: April 2023